

It is your birthright to be aligned with your super powers, and your wild open heart. It is my purpose and my path to guide you in this transformation.

Are You Living Fully and Freely?

No matter where you are in your journey or how bumpy the path has been, I can help guide you toward the authentic life you were born to live.

I’m a Certified Human Potential Coach, called into a position of service for those who are seeking their highest purpose. With years of experience as a Holistic Sex Coach, I have a special affinity for those traveling the path of relationship and intimacy.

Let’s take this journey together.

Upcoming Online Workshop: Radical Radiance

Discover the lost arts of the Taoist courtesans for health, beauty and longevity.

 Autumn Enrollment is CLOSED : (
But stay tuned for Spring! 

How I Help:


Whether you need a single session or regular consults, we’ll work together to craft the ultimate game plan.


I love bringing the community together! Join me for a custom workshop or transformative event in the South Austin area.


None of us should hide in the dark. There’s nothing more powerful than bringing one’s darkness into the light.

Curious if we'll click?

Schedule a free 20 Minute consultation with me!

Love & Praise

(What folks are saying about me.)

My desire to recreate myself and branch out into uncharted territory led me to work with Bella. With her help, I’ve seen exponential growth as I reach for my highest potential. Her passion and drive have enabled me to excel in every area of my life; her intuition and support inspire me to reach higher to achieve my goals. She leads by example, drawing from her own experiences and expertise. With Bella as my muse and coach, I am no longer so afraid of the unknown.

Heidi C. Ellis

New Articles:

Taking the First Steps Down the Path of the White Tigress

I’m here to inspire and galvanize you to prioritize your sexual wellbeing. And share with you some of the feminine, empowerment practices that have been so transformational to me, my clients, and the students of my Radical Radiance salons. I’m a Taoist facilitator and...

Prioritizing Self-Care to Supercharge Your Capacity to Create

There’s no doubt that each of us come here with our traumas. But each of us are so much more than just our personal story. The challenge lies in prioritizing self-care in a world that demands so much from us every day, all day. Do You Sense There is So Much Bliss that...

Unweaving Our Cultural Messaging About Sex

What if the way you’ve been taught to approach the world as a woman is actually completely misaligned with what’s real? What if your passion, your creativity and energy were truly available to use as you wanted? What if your sexuality was about so much more than how...

Your Orgasmic Fingerprint | Discover Your Unique Erotic Blueprint

Do you know your Orgasmic Fingerprint? Each of us has an erotic blueprint that’s as unique as our fingerprint.⁠ ⁠ There is only one you.⁠ ⁠ And you alone have the operating manual.⁠ ⁠ Yes, there are several roadmaps that categorize our personalities, our sexual...

Want to Increase Your Libido Fast? Try This

How do you get in the mood? While enjoying an increased libido is often the result of lifestyle, diet, and relationship health, there are a few things you can do to rev it up at a moments notice. I have two main systems to jumpstart libido; the foundational way and...

10 Things Badass & Fearless Women Do Differently In Bed

I often work with women who want to become badass and fearless lovers. In this article I will explain what that means...and how you can better show up for yourself and your partner in the bedroom.  Badass and fearless women exude confidence. Sexpert women, and those...

Autogentic Training Technique to Relax

Want to feel less stressed immediately? Read on.  Many are still rattled by the events at the capitol. Others actually believe we’ve entered the apocalypse. People are prepping, there’s rumor of civil war. One thing that’s clear is that our world is changing at an...

SHAMANS OF THE SOUL: How to find the right coach

I used to think coaches were only for athletes, movies stars, or executives. But then life coaches started popping up everywhere. At first I was leery, but none of us are born with instruction manuals, and are often stymied by limiting, false beliefs keeping us...

The Perils of Perimenopause

Perimenopause? Why didn't anyone tell me this was coming?! Maybe they did but I was too busy snorting lines to listen. In all likelihood the word perimenopause flat out refuses to register in the minds of all those under 45. Really, it doesn't even come up on...


Traditional Chinese medical theory teaches that we have a system of energy channels running throughout our body called meridians. Our life force energy flows through these invisible channels to regulate and balance all of our organs and systems. There are two main...

Working with a coach is engaging in an alchemical process of creation. Together we unwind shame and limiting beliefs, and weave in the stories and desires that empower you to live a life of greatness.

© 2019 Copyright Bella LaVey.