Do you know your Orgasmic Fingerprint?
Each of us has an erotic blueprint that’s as unique as our fingerprint.
There is only one you.
And you alone have the operating manual.
Yes, there are several roadmaps that categorize our personalities, our sexual proclivities and our languages of love, but let’s face it:
None of us fit nicely in a box.
Most of us are 25% this, and 40% that, with a dash of several other essential ingredients. We’re as sexually complex and unique as our fingerprints…and so are our orgasms.
It’s a beautiful thing.
We get to unlock the Pandora’s box of each other.
This is why I never make blanket statements like ALL women can have X type of orgasm. Your orgasm and my orgasm are not to be compared.
Your turn on’s and turn off’s probably look nothing like your best friend’s.
Discover the mystery of you.
Discover how Eros moves through you and you alone.
Know this:
It pays to crack our own codes before we focus on cracking the codes of another.
Stay Blessed,
Bella LaVey

Be Radiant | April 2021
A big part of my online salon this Spring is helping women embrace their unique relationship with Eros.
Discover the Lost Arts of the Taoist Courtesans for Health, Beauty and Longevity.
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