by Bella LaVey | Dec 5, 2019 | Blog
Wait for the knock. Glance in the mirror a final time and check your hair and lipstick. Are you polished, darling? It’s show time! Take a deep breath, open the door and purr out your sexiest hello. Big smile. Be dressed appropriately; stilettos to the sex worker are...
by Bella LaVey | Sep 5, 2018 | Blog
I’ll bet you’re reading this because you’re ready to take your sex life to the next level; you’re hungry for mind-blowing, knock-your-socks-off and show-me-the-stars sex. You’re ready to embrace your sexiest self, and you’re ready for your partner to do the same. One...
by Bella LaVey | Apr 25, 2016 | Blog
Rumi would make a great sex coach. Really! He’s a star in the modern holistic community and rightly so. Mystic and Sufi poet of Persian literature, Rumi describes love as a flame which, when it blazes up, burns away everything except the Everlasting Beloved. ...
by Bella LaVey | Jan 8, 2015 | Blog
Yesterday after a twenty minute pout, complete with exaggerated sighs and long faces, my boyfriend finally asked, “is something wrong?” Now, I, teacher of sacred touch, had to draw from every workshop I’ve ever attended to muster the courage to...
by Bella LaVey | Dec 10, 2014 | Uncategorised
Dear Sacred Slut, I take pride in being a loyal, devoted, affectionate and supportive partner to the men I choose to be in committed relationships with. But my relationships often end with heartbreaking adultery, affairs and lies on their end. Why do men cheat? How...