Letter To A New Sex Worker

Letter To A New Sex Worker

Wait for the knock. Glance in the mirror a final time and check your hair and lipstick. Are you polished, darling? It’s show time! Take a deep breath, open the door and purr out your sexiest hello. Big smile. Be dressed appropriately; stilettos to the sex worker are...

Sacred Slut: Your Lyin’, Cheatin’ Man

Dear Sacred Slut, I take pride in being a loyal, devoted, affectionate and supportive partner to the men I choose to be in committed relationships with. But my relationships often end with heartbreaking adultery, affairs and lies on their end. Why do men cheat? How...

On Different Men

Fetish Girl Diaries : Washington DC, November 17, 2000 I am a causal nexus for many of them. They respect me, honor me and worship me. I stand before each client as Priestess and invite them to enter the mystery. I initiate them through an experience of the Sacred...