“One can not reflect in streaming water.
Only those who know internal peace can give it to others.”
—Lao Tzu
30 Minutes for $30:
Personalized One-on-One Mini-Sessions to Release Fear, Reduce Stress and Come Back to Center .
This is a time of enormous uncertainty. Many people are scared for their health, financial security, and their loved ones. I too have felt the impact of the pandemic. Uncertainty, distraction and fear have all made themselves known to me over the past few days.
Now more than ever, I am so grateful for the practices I’ve learned over the past decades that help me come home to my body, calm my nervous system, and unwind the onslaught of global stress and trauma coming in through the news and collective energy.
As I’ve reflected on how I can best be of service to others during this time, I’ve felt strongly called to offer personalized 1:1 support at a super discounted rate so those in need can participate.
Sessions Include…
We will begin with a short introduction and intuitive consultation to determine what will serve you best. Then we move forward into practice.
Each modality is lovingly chosen and may include: 6 healing sounds, Tonglen meditation, breast massage, tapping, and more. Everything I’ve discovered through my life-long devotion to sacred Taoist principles will be considered while moving you forward into love, clarity, and peace.
Simply find a time that works for you via my Online Scheduler.
Include your email and I will send you confirmation with a video link.
My name is Bella LaVey and I’m a holistic sex coach with over 25 years of experience in the field of sacred Taoist principals.
I believe that responding from a place of clarity, mindfulness, and love is of the utmost importance. Especially in times of uncertainty and challenge.
Join me in a powerful, virtual practice.
Ready to shift into love?
Bella. Beloved goddess, thank you for the profound healing. You held a space for me with complete presence – until the end. You did so without signs of weakness or withdrawal, which would have ruined the healing. Every word you said went straight to the vulnerable, wounded child. I was completely cracked open. Receptive, my emotional body was reprogrammed for the first time. Until now, I addressed only the mental body (hundreds of times) but it is the emotional body which needed healing. You embody this art with mastery.
Working with a coach is engaging in an alchemical process of creation. Together we unwind shame and limiting beliefs, and weave in the stories and desires that empower you to live a life of greatness.
© 2019 Copyright Bella LaVey.